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An untroubled mind is the best pillow to sleep on…..Livonne

Don’t you just love going to bed and sleeping without the worries of the previous day gate-crashing your dreams? To be fair, I dream regardless of my state of mind when I go to bed but the nature of the dreams is very connected to my state of mind at bedtime.

I have taken to watching even five minutes of a comedy or a romance or something inspirational before I close my eyes at night. My preference is comedy and my usual go to show is a bit of the UK Taskmaster. It makes me shake with mirth and I love going to sleep with a smile on my face and a bit of laughter in my soul. I certainly don’t dream of comedy but I do have a nicer quality of dream generally. And not only that, I go to sleep easier. If I watch something that is even a bit more confrontational, I have trouble falling asleep. What we fill our minds with before sleep is crucial to good sleep.

When I look on Netflix or any of the streaming platforms for that matter, so much of the new material they are putting up is dark. Dramas, mysteries, thrillers, horror, fictional crime, and my absolute least favourite, real life crime are in the majority. People like this sort of stuff I guess. No wonder we have such a sad society. It’s all so depressing and I don’t believe it’s good for our souls. If I watched any of that, whether before bed or during the day, my mind would be so full of darkness that my sleep would definitely be disturbed.

No, give me a good comedy any old day. Though lately, like millions of others around the world, I had been re-watching the whole Bridgerton series until the new one was released just recently. Now I am eagerly awaiting the second part of season 3. I am a Bridgerton tragic and proud of it. It is an absolute escape from reality and is joyful to watch. The costumes, the romance, the amazing settings. I think people are craving beauty without even realising that it’s missing from their lives.

There is so much darkness in the world that sometimes we miss seeing the beauty. But it’s there. And the more we look for it, the more we’ll find it. Just as if we are constantly looking for something bad to happen, we’ll find that too. We mostly find what we mostly focus on. It’s not always easy to focus on the good in the world, but when you do, you’ll find it keeps popping up everywhere.

Anyway, I’m off to find something amusing to watch while I clean the house. Nothing like a bit of laughter to make vacuuming on a Saturday morning seem acceptable. Have a wonderful day.

Happy focusing on the good stuff….Livvy xxx