It’s All About Me

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Welcome to the world of Livonne.   When I started this blog back in 2012 it was meant as a way of writing my life down so I could let so much anger and hurt go.  My life had been very traumatic and I was carrying all of that negative emotion with me.  I started to write, not ever thinking anyone else would ever read it and suddenly people started reading my ramblings.  In 2013, as a result of writing on here, I went back to college to do photography so I could put interesting photos on here to punctuate my ramblings.  Little did I know that my life would change so drastically as a result.

Suddenly, where once, I’d been using 1000 words to paint a picture, now I was able to take a photo and allow it to talk for me.  More importantly, I was able to tell some stories that I’d hidden away from the world and indeed myself, because they were too hard to put into words. I found a part of myself that I thought was lost forever.  I reconnected with my inner child through fairies, angels, mermaids and a variety of characters that made my childhood bearable.

I started using photography as my art medium but that has now expanded into sculpture, costuming, painting, music and all sorts of other fun stuff.  Of course, writing is still a huge part of my life.  Writing along with art has become my voice.  I use it to tell my stories.

I have a different website for my art as I wanted to keep my art and my personal writing separate, but let’s be honest, they are both inextricably entwined.  They are both me.  So I share images that highlight whatever it is I’m writing about.  After all, if a picture paints 1000 words, then it stands to reason that 1000 words should be able to paint a picture.

So a little about me:

A self proclaimed late bloomer and fairy-tale fanatic, I am an  artist and storyteller, both in pictures and words. Heavily influenced by the colours, textures and romance of the Renaissance artists, I strive to bring the same ethereal beauty to my imagery. Just as every good fairy-tale has light and shade or evil and goodness, it is essential that even the darkest subjects should have a glimmer of hope to inspire and empower. “Once upon a time” and “Happily ever after” are words that influence every piece of art I create. I live with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after several traumatic, life changing events and art has been the glue which has helped put me back together again. It has given me a voice again, after years of not being able to speak my truth. Fairy-tales are my safe space, just as they were when I was a child. Lewis Carroll is often attributed to saying, “Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality”. And seriously, who could argue with that?

Gender:  Female

What I do: Artist, Writer, Photographer, Storyteller, Faerie Tale fanatic,  Recycler of Stuff, Queen of my own Realm.

What I love to do: All of the above, plus going to garage sales, Socialising,  Singing, Acting.

Location: Blue Mountains NSW Australia

Favorite Movies: Mainly chick flicks and Fairy Tales/Fantasy… Favorite chick flicks of all time are Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood, Steel Magnolias, Fried Green Tomatoes, Peggy Sue Got Married, Mamma Mia (especially 2).  Favourite fantasies are: The Little Mermaid, Toy Story (1,2&3), Tangled, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White…  Oh who am I kidding.. I love them all.

Favorite Music:  I’m a teenager of the 70’s so James Taylor, Linda Ronstadt, Janis Ian, Don McLean, Carly Simon.. but nowadays I tend to listen to more classical voices so Josh Groban, Michael Ball, Alfie Boe & the soundtrack to the greatest musical of all time, Les Miserables.

Favorite Books: The Magic Faraway Tree, Seven Little Australians, Little Women, anything by Monica McInerney, most autobiographies.

Favorite things: My children, Aimee (deceased), Lachlan & Stuart, and my bonus daughter Kirsty.  I now have 2 beautiful daughters in law and 2 of the most precious  granddaughters.  Family is what matters.. Everything else is a delightful bonus.

89 thoughts on “It’s All About Me”

  1. I LOVED Peggy Sue Got Married and every time I see it well up, that theme music is haunting!!!!

  2. You have a wonderful blog Livonne. Just now I read you post “May be not an omen after all” and it felts like the women all over the World irrespective of everything (including nationality, education, religion, geography) are have similar problems. It is really very sad.
    At the same time I am glad that even after so much sufferings women are capable of helping others in need.

  3. Dear Livonne, so thanks for your kind link. Best wishes, and have a nice day! 🙂

  4. I like the thought that we all need a witness to our lives. The longer I live, the more I come to think of us as herd animals–not in the negative, sheeplike sense, but in the sense that we’re just not completely ourselves if we’re too much on our own.

    • I agree wholeheartedly Ellen. We’re not solitary creatures by nature. We like to run with a pack. The last few years I’ve been quite solitary and I’m starting to want to gather people around me again..

  5. What an aesthetically pleasing website with lyrical writing. I am in awe of how you dealt with such great tragedy with grace and resilience. May your life continue to inspire others and be blessed.

  6. Hi Livonne, I read the post where you tell your family’s story but couldn’t find a way to leave a comment there (there was no Post Comment box underneath the other comments). In any case, what a heart-wrenching journey you’ve had. I am so glad that you found your healing place in the Blue Mountains and seem to be embracing life with a new-found joy and purpose.

    • Thank you so much.. It is beautiful here and yes, I have found peace and healing.. It’s a wonderful place to be.. 🙂

      • Greetings Livonne, This is my first visit to your blog. Am inspired by your courage and persistence in what is and has been ‘a heart-wrenching’ journey. I feel it is no coincidence that I would discover you on this date. Hoping that you continue on your healing journey , expressing through writing, travel and photography.__Susan

  7. Hi Livonne, Just wanted to let you know I have nominated you for The sisterhood of world bloggers,and the wonderful team member readership award. You can find out more at
    Hope you will accept. I just wanted to let you know how much I have appreciated your visits, your posts since meeting. Cheers Irene

  8. Oops … I accidentally unfollowed you when I tried modifying my settings. I’m refollowing 🙂

  9. I have nominated you for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. You can view the post at
    Please feel free to decline if you don’t do awards, otherwise I will look forward to your post 🙂

  10. Thanks Livonne for stopping by my blog and liking my post. I like your cheerful blog, and like a chick flick now and then too. I’m following to read more of your posts!

  11. Thanks for liking my post.
    I have connections to The Blue Mountains, but have never been there!

  12. Hi Livonne, I nominated you for the WordPress Family Award, check out my post here for the rules, if you don’t do awards, that is fine too.

    Word Press Family Award

    • Thank you Joan.. I have done a few but just lately, I’ve been so busy that I rarely get around to completing them. But thank you so much for the nomination . 🙂

  13. It’s Nice blog~Livonne
    best regards^^

  14. Splendid “about” post!

  15. Hi Livonne,
    Thanks for dropping by m blog & liking my recent post 🙂

  16. oureverydayadventures365 said:

    Thanks for stopping by our blog

  17. So Livonne, you’ve been snooping around my blog, hehe. Seriously, thanks for the visits, especially as you even looked at some on my older posts you brave soul.

    Have a fun day…


  18. Livonne,
    As a way of letting you know how much I’ve enjoyed your blog, I’ve nominated you for Very Inspiring Blogger Award, Best Moment Award, and Sunshine Award. You can pick them up from here, if you’re so inclined. 🙂 Participation is optional.

    Awards Are Awesome

  19. burnettfreelanceimagery said:

    Thanks so much for stopping by and giving a like to my recent postings “Weekly Photo Challenge – From Above” and “A Short note of apology” I’ve only read a few of your post, but look forward to reading more in the future!

  20. Hi Livonne,
    Funny enough, I like that Susan Sarandon’s line too, and I’ve been wanting to put that line on my blog as well, but so far no opportunity.
    Thank you for visiting my blog.


  21. Thank you for visiting my blog Livonne. God bless you and your family! 🙂

    • I’m really pleased you drew attention to that line in Rise of the Guardians.. It had me thinking for ages, What is my core? .. 🙂

  22. I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Blog Award, because your posts always bring a ray of sunshine to my life! You can find the rules and information on this at this link:

  23. Many thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a ‘like’! You have a really lovely blog here. Love your header.

  24. Hi Livonne,
    I nominated you for another award. The Very Inspiring Blog Award on my blog at Congrats!

  25. Hey Livonne, thanks for stopping by my blog and the follow, hope you liked what you saw, Look forward to seeing more of your work, great site by the way, 🙂

  26. Hi Livonne,
    I just nominated you for two awards on my blog at Congrats! Check it out.

  27. My Tropical Home said:

    Interesting blog you have here Mam. Thank you for the visit to my humble one. So pleased to make your acquaintance in the blogosphere. It’s very early Easter Sunday now in my part of the world, so I’ll say goodnight but I’ll be back to look around some more.

    Happy Easter!


  28. Yes, that is so true – we all need a witness to our lives and to who we really are.

  29. Thank you for stopping by simplydaisies! Come back anytime.

  30. Your selection of movies is awesome and I like them all specially the Ya-Ya Sisterhood.

  31. thoughtsfromanamericanwoman said:

    Nice to meet you – I am so glad you stopped by my blog. I enjoyed browsing through your page and look forward to reading more. Blessings!

  32. Livonne, we have many similar hobbies, interests in common. I am a photographer, crafter and a repurposer of old things. I love to look at what something is and see what it has the potential to become. Check out my facebook pages: and and
    I am also all about my family! In the short week that I have been following your blog, I’ve already enjoyed getting to know you! Thank you for sharing.

    • I”ve just had a quick look at your repurposeful design page.. just lovely.. Like you, I love to see the potential old discarded stuff has and when it’s brought back to life, it really makes me happy. I’m so happy to have you onboard. I’ve been a bit distracted this last week as I’ve just gone back to school to learn photography and am feeling a bit overwhelmed. Hopefully I’ll be back on track soon. Thanks so much for sharing 🙂

      • I understand, and good luck with your classes. I studied photography when we still used dark rooms. It is a bit easier in one way that you don’t have to learn about the chemicals, but if you have trouble with technology, it actually might be harder. I had to go back and learn all about the digital age. Working at a newspaper that was completely digital helped me learn the ropes. 🙂

  33. passionwriting said:

    am glad i came across ur blog..seems to be a lovely one 🙂

  34. Livonne, this is just divine! I’m so happy you stopped by my blog…because I’d have missed out on the awesome discovery of yours! The Magic Faraway Tree was one of my favourite books as a child….and I think it’s super cool that even in adulthood that’s still one of your favs!

    • Thank you and I’m really glad you stopped by too. I’m just a big kid at heart I think. The books I loved as a child, I still love.. and I still believe in magic, Father Christmas, fairies and love.. 🙂

  35. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  36. Livonne,
    I love reading your blogs. I have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award. This was my first award and I hope you will accept and display it with honor.

  37. Love your ‘about’ page… and you’re so right… we all just want to be seen/witnessed, even if it’s only a tiny glance of acknowlegement. Brilliantly written. So many people are spiritually malnourished and a solution can be simply to go from feeling invisible to being seen or heard . I learnt that lesson the hard way. When I first moved to sydney I was overwhelmed by the hardness of people. No smiles in the streets or friendly anythings. It seemed not one person could see me. And a year after feeling pretty shitty about living here, I realised that people are a reflection of who we are… so from that day, like every other day I walked to my bus stopped and I put my theory to the test. If I wanted to seek some acknowledgement then I needed to see others first. Everyone that walked passed me was greeted with a simple ‘hello’. It was instant joy and it was clearly affecting everyone else too. To be seen, it to see! Big lesson that day. By the way, I LOVE your photo submission on the Toemail site. That shot is priceless. I look forward to reading your posts… OM Shanti…

    • Thanks for your kind words. You are so right about seeing to be seen. I have lived a quiet life since shifting up here and decided like you, that it was the place that was unfriendly. So a few weeks ago, I set myself a quiet challenge.. Up until New Years Day, I had to accept every invitation that came my way.. Guess what?? Invitations came flooding in, overwhelming me.. but it was yet another wake up call to put out what you want and you will get it… If we never ask, we never get. 🙂

  38. Oh hilarious. I suggested making a youtube video before realising you are a videographer! At least I’m on the right track, haha! I like most of your interests by the way 🙂

  39. The Magic Faraway Tree – now there’s a book that has stuck with me since the beginning of time. I just gave my daughter my beloved copy.

  40. Life noticed. 🙂

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