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‘God has brought you here…take the hint’ … Reverend Mother – Sister Act

It’s miserable weather here in the Blue Mountains at the moment and to top it off, Australia is going into a long weekend, so our roads are crazy with visitors to the area, escaping their normal lives even if just for a few days. So taking the hint, for me, it’s a good time to stay at home and chill. I have the full set of Bridgerton books now so I am going to spend a lot of this weekend immersed in Georgian London society. But this morning on Facebook, someone shared the 30th anniversary reunion on The View of the Sister Act cast.

Oh Happy Day indeed. The cast of Sister Act 2 sang a few songs. One was Oh Happy Day which in the movie, the choir sang at a school assembly and the other was Joyful Joyful which they sang at the Choir Competition. Watching the older Ahmal (Ryan Toby) singing Oh Happy Day put the hugest smile on my face. What a perfect way to start a rainy Friday. He didn’t quite hit that ridiculously high note from when he was a young boy, but damn he was good still.

I remember clearly watching that movie for the first time on VCR and rewinding that song over and over again just to hear that one note. I don’t think I’d ever heard anything so perfect in my life and I think that still stands. It wasn’t a sound of this earth. It was angelic. It sent shivers up my spine. It still does. I wasn’t disappointed that he couldn’t quite replicate that sound. Some things are too beautiful to be replicated.

Lauryn Hill who was the lead singer in Joyful Joyful, didn’t take part in the reunion so Tanya Blount took the lead vocals. Tanya was in the movie as the young girl who sang His Eye is on the Sparrow in the church with Lauryn Hill, so definitely well deserving to take over that part. Again, it was just so joyful to see the original cast and see their camaraderie is still strong.

Whoopi gets very emotional at the end of the song and to be honest, she was later than I was to tears. I had already had a few (joyful) tears when I watched Oh Happy Day, then they overflowed with Joyful Joyful. When she started crying, well tears really started spilling over for me.

To top it all off, some of the original nuns sang I Will Follow Him just to make more joy overflow and leak down my cheeks. They obviously loved the experience of the film and were overjoyed to repeat it for the reunion. The voices weren’t as great anymore, but the joy was. The world needs more of this.

I love both the Sister Act movies and often watch them when I need to laugh. Usually with sequels the second is nowhere near as good but this franchise was an exception to the rule. Both movies were fantastic. Such different stories and settings. The music across the board was fun, inspirational and downright beautiful. But back to the reunion.

It was so sweet to see Kathy Najimi and Wendy Makkena (Sister Mary Patrick and Sister Mary Robert respectively) behind Whoopi in the chorus. These two wonderful actors brought such humour to their roles. There were many others whose faces you would remember from the movies. Some, like the inimitable Mary Wickes have passed away but I’m sure they would have been clapping along in heaven.

There is supposed to be a Sister Act 3 and I can’t wait to see that. I’m sure it will be as joyous as the first two movies. I don’t think it could be anything but wonderful. The reunion clips are available on YouTube (click on the links in this blog) and are so worth watching.

But for me, I think I might just see if I can find the movies on a streaming service (if not I have the DVD’s) and get some work done while I lose myself in the craziness that is the Sister Act movies. They don’t age. Classics never do! So I have two words for you…. Bless you!

Happy happy day… Livvy xxx