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Every month I’ve looked at the One Four Challenge over at Robyn’s Captivate Me blog and thought, “mmmm I should do that” but every month, time has gotten away and it’s been week 3 before I start to think of it.  This month, however, i promised myself I’d finally take part.  So here’s my offering to the One Four Challenge.

This is a photo of the Pharmacie de la Bourdonnais in Paris.  For this week, I have done a very simple edit and after I cropped and straightened it a bit in Lightroom, I added a lot of contrast and a touch of whites and dropped the clarity and highlights a bit.  I then added a graduated filter lifting shadows just to the bottom half of the photo.  I added a soft dark vignette to it and voila.  This is week one’s contribution.

Pharmacie de la Bourdonnais

If you’d like to join in the challenge, head on over to Captivate Me and follow the instructions there.  Remember to tag your photo *One Four Challenge.   (remember the asterisk – I didn’t)

Happy editing… Livvy 🙂

About the challenge and how it works:

This challenge is about processing 1 image in 4 different ways over 4 weeks.
We will all  process / post edit (our own chosen image) and share a different version each week.
Process it however you like… and tell us a bit about it. You don’t have to show the original image unless you’d like to.  (I’m going to show mine in week 4 along with the 4 variations from the month).
Try new things, experiment.  Be as creative or subtle as you wish to be.
Each week starts again on Monday (Aussie time) and closes off the following Sunday (at the end of the day), so there is a whole week for you to create your post, link up here and tag your post.
This is a ongoing challenge. We will do the 1st four Mondays of the month.  If there are 5 Mondays in a month – we’ll still only post on 4.